Highly Effective People Begin With The End In Mind

algorithm to plan
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Hello, highly effective people😎, How are you? I would honestly like to know. Thanks for stopping by. I hope reading my blog challenges you in a good way. Before you move on, please like, share and comment. Thanks



Continuing from my last blog post, I am reading the book: 7 habits of highly effective people (7HHEP). Begin with the end in mind is the second habit. The first is Proactivity. If you missed the first blog in this series, you can read it here. You can also purchase the book here https://amzn.to/3vKF448 (Affiliate link)


Begin with the end in mind?

Highly effective people begin with the end in mind. What does this mean, I hear you ask? I wondered this myself while reading this book. Here are some examples.

  1. You attend a funeral that turns out to be yours. What would you want your children/spouse/work colleagues/friends to say about you and your life? Were you a spouse/father/mother/work colleague worthy of emulation? What character/achievement/contributions would you like to be remembered for? Were you a pain in the arse or a breath of fresh air?😂
  2. It is time for you to retire. How many colleagues will attend your retirement party at work? What will be said about you? Will colleagues cry or will they have a party of their own to celebrate your departure?😂 You probably think: Who cares?

Beginning with the end in mind means you have a clear picture of your vision. You understand what you want to see at the destination. This principle applies to small or large projects. It’s like being a project manager except you do not have to use the lingo or read the boring project management books

begin with a plan


It’s like being a project manager except you do not have to use the lingo or read the boring project management books

life of a docpreneur, 2021

(Apologies to my project management professionals)😬


What will be said at your funeral?

I suppose if you think of what you want people to say at your funeral/retirement then you will have a clear idea of what will define your success. It is a deep way of forcing you to distil what is of value to you.

Of course, thinking about your funeral is a bit extreme, nevertheless, it is advisable to plan with the end in mind irrespective of what the situation is. It could be building/redecorating your house, having a hair cut or going on a diet. You have a picture of the end result before you commence. One can say, you created it twice.


Highly effective people Create all things twice

Highly effective people create all things twice. For example, You are attending a work meeting tomorrow. You have a mental picture of what you want your dressing to convey. This is the first creation. You then make preparations the night before perhaps do some ironing. You get dressed the next morning, look in the mirror and smile. This is the second creation. This is the end you had in mind.

create all things twice

All things are created twice

Understanding that all things are created twice enlarges our circle of influence. We are able to easily identify the issues within our power which we can change. If you cannot see the end in mind, then it is probably above your pay grade or none of your business.

In your personal life, you need to take control of your first creation, otherwise, someone else will do it for you.

In your personal life, you need to take control of your first creation, otherwise, someone else will do it for you.


Leadership as the first creation

I have always found it a challenge to differentiate between leadership and management. If you are in this camp, look no further😂



  • Leadership: First creation
  • Management: Second creation
    • Leadership: What are the things I want to accomplish?
    • Management: How best can I accomplish these things?
      • Leadership: Doing the right things
      • Management: Doing things right

Simply put, You cannot succeed in your leadership role if the management is poor or vice versa


Take home message

What would you like your children/spouse/colleagues/friends to say about you at your funeral/retirement party?🤔


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2 thoughts on “Highly Effective People Begin With The End In Mind”

    1. Hi Dr P, Many thanks for your comment. This was one of my many take-home messages as well.
      Kind regards

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