Never Use Swear Words: It’s Easy to Mind Your Language

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Time to take a break from writing about Industry 4.0 and write about Swear words.

Are you familiar with these sort of words? Swear words are not in my vocabulary. Perhaps it’s because I did not mingle with people or colleagues who do in my early years. The swear words or swear signs in the vicinity where I attended high school and university are miles apart from those that I presently hear/see?.

Swear words and Cultural Differences

The worst insults/swear words in high school or university was to insult someone’s parents. Alternatively, if you want to get killed and buried, just show a wide-open palm at the offender’s face (from a distance❗️) whilst shouting a well-known phrase (My Country people understand this?). For the slow runners and those who don’t know karate, this is a bad idea!! The link below explains better ?

My high school and university days are long gone. My present environment (not my home?) introduced me to different types of swear words. These words all sound the same and are repetitive. To be honest, I think swear words are for the less creative minds. You don’t believe me? Click this link: (Sorry!!). I mean there are many ways to swear without saying a word. Trust me, it can be done.

Creative Curses

However, if you must use swear words, please, be creative. For those who lack creativity, there is now the urban dictionary?. I mean, this is a whole new level of language?. I was chatting to a colleague a few weeks ago and the word ‘C***womble’ popped out? I laughed my head off. I won’t be forgetting it in a hurry.

My most recent addition to my vocabulary was from a group of professionals with whom I work closely with (I can’t give you any hints?). ‘See you next Tuesday’. There is nothing wrong with that sentence. It’s just like saying see you on any other day of the week. However, try writing the first two words in single alphabets and add in the first letters of the last two words, then it takes on a whole new meaning. (Don’t shoot me?).

A different set of professionals, who work far away from me (but very close to my heart) taught me another phrase. These professionals wear ‘green’ most of the time!!?. “Ask the supply sergeant for some B A elevens”. Are you trying to reason that one out?? I can see the cogwheels in your head working overtime!! ?. Yeap…. some B A (number) elevens!! or B A elevens double O…N’s, if you are speaking to a female. ?

No need to use swear words

I hear you say: everyone swears, well speak for yourself. I don’t swear. Well, I might do if you ask me a silly question like ‘What swear words do you know??.

We tend to pick up these bad habits from others. As a medic, you come across the stressed colleague, the angry colleague, the pi**ed-off ones, and some who are in the best frame of mind but swear anyway. As a trainee medic, I once bought a swear jar for one of my consultants. What do you think he said to me???

I also tried the swear jar for my classmates in the MSc program. They all swore like drunken sailors but the jar is still empty!! Oh, actually, someone did put 5p in it for laughs?. It just shows that ‘Swearers are stingy’❗️ Anyway, I have put the swear jar to good use, it’s now my piggy bank, and it’s still empty.

Ways to deal with a swearing person

On a serious note, cursing is pure bad behavior and unnecessary especially if it’s uncalled for. At a time like this, we need words filled with empathy, sympathy, words that evoke positive emotions. Cursing/swearing at people stirs up negative emotions. gives advice, in detail, on how to handle such people in different scenarios.

However, If it turns out that you truly deserved all the swear words coming your way because of your behaviour, I may have a solution to your problem. Please complete the form below?

Take home message: If you must swear be creative and do it in private


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