3 Tips on how to develop a Side Hustle for Medical doctors

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Having a side hustle https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/293954 is all the rage at the moment. Everyone is wanting to start one. Perhaps to have some independence, be the boss instead of working for someone else, and/or to leave a legacy. As a medical doctor or full-time professional in any field, developing a side hustle is challenging if not planned with precision and careful strategy.

Life as a Trainee medical doctor

The life of a trainee medical doctor is difficult to explain. It is better lived to understand. A medical doctor is a prestigious profession with brutal training. Perhaps I am speaking for my generation. We trained with long hours which has changed for the better (has its disadvantages) and multiple exams: not changed. However, there are time constraints making it unlikely (not impossible) to develop a side hustle. Attaining a consultant post within the NHS is a success but for most this is the status quo till Jesus comes. My question is: Why?

Life as a Consultant within the NHS

A trainee medical doctor looks forward to becoming a consultant. It is a badge of success and shows that you have attained the height of the profession. We now have patients to our name, have a secretary, and if lucky…. an office as well. There isn’t much money to be had and 40% of your salary belongs to the taxman. You work under many managers who know a thing or two?. You keep at the job because it is what you love to do and it is rewarding. Then you realize this is the next 30 years of your life ?. My reaction is: Let’s change the status quo and develop a side hustle or gig!

Is a side hustle necessary?

Once you succeed, it makes sense to move on and find something else such as a side hustle to be successful in. A close friend of mine says ‘I am so over cooking, cleaning and my 9-5 daily job’?. I totally understand that feeling.

As a new consultant, transitioning into your role takes a few years. You have to keep your appraisals and revalidation up to date every year, take on non-clinical/managerial roles and get to grip with nuances of clinical governance. This is pretty much all there is to it…NOT!! Some unexpected surprises may come your way like a pandemic!!

The trick is not to be a ‘Yes’ person. Take on what you can with the exceptional calculation of how much time you plan on dedicating to the task. Say ‘No’ when you have enough on your plate. (In a whisper: Do what I say not what I do?!!) Nevertheless, after a while, it all becomes a routine and you may want a challenge. Come to think of it, accomplishments and achievements are human nature. If this is not in your nature, the question is: Why?

Side Hustle Ideas?

In this section, I will get you thinking of how to develop as side hustle as a medical doctor.

In the options analysis pathway, there is always the option of ‘Do nothing’. If you are reading this blog, you should know this is not an option but just a mention.

Firstly, You could take up a hobby and take lessons to improve yourself at it. I took up swimming lessons, in my 30’s as I was afraid of the water. Now, I am better at it though my kids put me to shame. This is taking up a hobby for pleasure.

Secondly, You could take up a new hobby or improve your skills in a known hobby. Become so good at it thus increasing the possibility of earning money from it. Hobbies like cooking, baking, knitting, and tutoring. In this technological age, we can include You tubers, tick tokers, Graphic designers, bloggers, The list goes on. This is improving a hobby to develop a side hustle with earning potential.

Thirdly, there is a group that desperately wants to develop a side hustle as a form of distraction https://thespearking.com/what-led-to-my-msc-programme-in-industrial-digitalisation/. Distraction from feeling undervalued at work especially if you have so much mental energy. This step is freedom, a breath of fresh air and it puts you in the driving seat. It is a delight to see this develop. However, this involves long term planning, strategy, and deep learning. The intention here is to develop a side hustle with the intention of earning money.

Take home message: Per day, how many hours of your life do you devote to social media and watching television? ?

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