You Need to Develop Intelligent Distractions AKA Hobbies.

What is your Hobby?
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To me intelligent distractions and Hobbies are one and the same. We need both to ensure work-life balance. Otherwise, we will have only work and know life.

What is a distraction?

Distractions, usually, have a negative connotation. Negative, as it results in reduced concentration on the work or thought process at hand. Referring to someone or a situation as a distraction drives the understanding that the distraction is unwanted, unhealthy, and needs to disappear. To drive home my meaning of Intelligent distractions, I prefer the definition of distraction below;

A diversion or recreation.‘there are plenty of distractions such as sailing’

What is an Intelligent Distraction or Hobby?

Having an intelligent distraction/hobby means choosing a diversion or recreation that has a positive reward. I suppose you are wondering: ‘Why does anyone need to have an intelligent distraction?’?

I would say ‘Why not?’. An intelligent distraction is a necessity, no matter what stage of life you are in; especially if you have ‘paid your dues’. By this, I mean you have a stable job, a spouse, some kids and perhaps, a pet. The kids are grown and can fend for themselves, they will not be caught dead watching a movie with you? You need to switch off the internet just to get their attention.

Like me, you flip from Sky to Netflix, to all the others, and cannot find anything of interest. Having sat many exams as a medic, I am not phased by studying. Watching all the programs streaming is of no added value to me. Thinking about my difficult patients, when I am off work, does not help either. What will be of value to me??

Is it work or passion?

The usual advice is to find your passion. What you get paid to do is often not a passion. It’s called work. Our passion may change as we grow older. Being a Medic is my first love. I have developed an intelligent distraction which is now my ‘only’ love.

I find it difficult to completely take my mind off my day job. Some patients, I can remember without looking at their clinical notes. If you are a Leader in the workplace, strategizing, negotiating, planning and the likes, maybe your constant companion. It is impossible to switch these off, completely. With my intelligent distraction, I am now able to☺️.

If some or all of the above is going on in your life, you definitely need an intelligent distraction. It has to add value to your life, distract you from everything that usually occupies your mind. It should bring you happiness, satisfaction, and peace. Extramarital affairs do not count?.

My idea for an Intelligent Distraction.

There are professions that did not exist 20 years ago. Industry 4.0 has bridged the gap between the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd industrial revolution bringing mankind to a ‘Back to the future’ Scenario. This means if we don’t take the time to equip ourselves in the present, We may not be valid for the future. My daughter once asked me ‘Why do you keep looking to the sky when you speak of cloud storage?’. Yeap, that WAS me?!!

Choice of Intelligent distractions AKA Hobbies

Examples of Industry 4 in action.

The term Industry 4.0 was first introduced by the German government in 2011; DOI: 10.17770/sie2020vol2.4833. The term has evolved to encompass a lot more. You can’t deny that the future is upon us and our mindset needs to be in the future. We are in an exciting time. There are courses available for each one of Industry 4.0- Technological pillars. Why not look into these and choose one to study? No matter what your career path is, there is something for you in industry 4.0 to enable you to develop an intelligent distraction/diversion. Thank me later?

My intelligent distractions

Blogging: All I see is my MacBookPro😂
  1. Blogging: I blog because I always have something to say but know one to listen😂. Once I put down my thoughts, it can be read even when I am sleeping. Thanks to the power of the internet.
  2. 3D Printing: Best distraction ever. My 3D printer and my online shop keeps me mentally alive more than my day job which tends to suck the life out of me.

If you are curious about identifying an intelligent distractions , here are some links to start with.

Take home message: An intelligent distraction/hobby is a necessity.

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